Spa Night, Relax Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Spa Night, Relax Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

Stay-in Spa Night

A stressful night might need one of those Korean sheet faces, a bathtub full of bubbles, some scented candles, and a glass of champagne. Creating a spa vibe at home is easy and can have just as much of an effect on your state of mind as an actual night out.

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Spa Night, Relax Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Spa Night, Relax Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

Home Spa Night

A stressful night might need one of those Korean sheet faces, a bathtub full of bubbles, some scented candles, and a glass of champagne. Creating a spa vibe at home is easy and can have just as much of an effect on your state of mind as an actual night out.

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Self-care, Relax, Destress Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Self-care, Relax, Destress Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

Commitment to Self-Care

One look around any media platform and you will find mental health as a focal point. There are YouTube and Instagram accounts dedicated to yoga, wellness juices that boost the mood, face goop, and manifesting some of that good shit into your life. Some of it is helpful…and some of it screams like a cash grab. BGF cares about your mental wellbeing, but in the way that we understand that feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxiety driven are all mental states that are not allowing you to be the best you. And that is a barrier to our mission where we want you to invest in yourself. So let’s take a moment to explore self-care and what that means to the BGF and what it should be to you.

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